Do you incorporate stabilization exercises into your normal exercise routine?

Many people start to neglect their stabilization muscles as soon as they learn that working their abs won’t give them the flat stomach they’re longing for (after all, you can’t isolate fat loss), but these muscles are important for more than just a toned physique. 

What are stabilization exercises anyway? They’re exercises that work those underutilized muscles to help you with your daily life and other exercises.

Keep reading to learn why you should incorporate the best stabilization exercises into your next workout session.

1. They Help You With Daily Functions

When you do stabilization exercises, you’re targeting the smaller muscles in your core and back (among others). But why are these muscles so important if you’re not lifting heavyweights in the gym

Consider everything that you do outside of the gym. Whether you’re gardening, picking up your children, lifting things around the home, or even cleaning, those muscles help you. 

When you walk, stabilization muscles keep your gait steady and consistent. When you lift something off of a high shelf, the small muscles in your shoulder stop you from getting hurt. 

2. They Improve Your Other Exercises

If you already exercise your other muscles, stabilization exercises are crucial (and luckily, many common exercises also help your stabilization muscles). 

Consider squatting, for example. If you don’t have a strong back and core, you’re setting yourself up for serious back pain when you lift heavy. When you’re able to tense your core, you prevent injuries. 

When you’re doing leg exercises or even running, poor stabilization muscles can result in a larger chance for shin splints and other conditions that impact your calves or knees. 

You’ll get stronger faster when you incorporate stabilization exercises. 

3. They Can Reduce or Prevent Back Pain

Speaking of pain, stabilization exercises can reduce or prevent back pain regardless of whether or not you’re using them as a part of your workout routine. 

The multifidus muscle is a set of small muscles that line your spinal column. These muscles allow you to bend, twist, and rotate. The multifidus stabilizes your back so you can make these movements without dislocating any discs. 

4. They Help Your Posture 

When you have strong back, shoulder, and core stabilization muscles, you’re sure to have better posture (which also prevents back pain). 

These muscles keep you upright. You’ll sit and stand with your shoulders back and your spine straight. Slouching can lead to back pain, and many people find themselves slouching due to workplaces that rely on them hunching over their computers all day. 

Incorporate Stabilization Exercises Today

If you want to be more functional around the house, safer when you exercise, and free of back pain, stabilization exercises are an absolute must. You can protect your back, your joints, and your muscles from serious injuries.

Are you looking for personal training for your team so you can work on these important stabilization muscles? Our expert trainers know how to incorporate stabilization exercises to keep everyone safe and fit.

Contact us to learn more about what we can offer you and your team today.